Book Review: Conflict and cooperation in the semiconductor industry: the global evolution of chip production

Huggins, Robert and Johnston, Andrew (2022) Book Review: Conflict and cooperation in the semiconductor industry: the global evolution of chip production. ISSN 1538-7216


Interconnected worlds: global electronics and production networks in East Asia, by Henry Wai-chung Yeung, Stanford, California, USA, Stanford University Press, Innovation and Technology in the World Economy Series, 2022, 480 pp., $90.00 (hardcover), ISBN 978-1503615298; $32.00 (paperback), ISBN 9781503632226; $31.99 (ebook), ISBN 9781503632233Chip war: the fight for the world’s most critical technology, by Chris Miller, New York, USA, Scribner, 2022, 464 pp., $30.00 (hardcover), ISBN 978-1982172008; $14.99 (eBook), ISBN13 9781982172022

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