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Abbott, SR (2018) Climate change and sustainable development in the Pacific: the EU�s contributions 2000-2017, with a case study on the Cook Islands.

Abel, Sally, Park, Julie, Tipene-Leach, David, Finau, Sitaleki and Lennan, Michele (2001) Infant care practices in New Zealand: a cross-cultural qualitative study. Social science & medicine, 53 (9). pp. 1135-1148.

Alexeyeff, Kalissa (2000) Dragging drag: The performance of gender and sexuality in the Cook Islands. The Australian Journal of Anthropology, 11 (2). pp. 297-307.

Alexeyeff, Kalissa (2008) Globalizing drag in the Cook Islands: Friction, repulsion, and abjection. The Contemporary Pacific. pp. 143-161.

Alicata, Joseph E and McCarthy, Dennis D (1964) On the incidence and distribution of the rat lungworm Angiostrongylus cantonensis in the Cook Islands, with observations made in New Zealand and Western Samoa. Canadian Journal of Zoology, 42 (4). pp. 605-611.

Argus, Joseph (2021) Power, Politics & Resources: A case study of the Marae Moana, Cook Islands.

Ataera-Minster, J, Guiney, H and Cook, S (2020) Taeao Malama: Alcohol use in Pacific peoples. Results from the New Zealand Health Survey & Attitudes and Behaviour towards Alcohol Survey. Health Promotion Agency. Cover art:'Orange Hibiscus.

Aung, Yin Yin May, Sowter, Martin and Kenealy, Timothy (2015) Hepatitis B screening, outcomes and management of pregnant women and infants in the Cook Islands. SHORT TITLE Antenatal screening for hepatitis B in the Cook Islands.

Aung, Yin Yin May, Sowter, Martin, Kenealy, Timothy, Herman, Josephine and Ekeroma, Alec (2015) Gestational diabetes mellitus screening, management and outcomes in the Cook Islands. NZ Med J, 128 (1412). pp. 2010-2019.

Ave, Charlie, Kapa, D Ramaiah and Ottesen, Eric (2018) Elimination of lymphatic filariasis as a public health problem from the Cook Islands. Tropical Medicine and Health, 46 (1).

Balawa, Vilisi (1996) Cook Islands Maori. Pacific languages in education. pp. 137-141.

Bartle, David, Shahryar-Davies, Alex, Shirley, Claire, Wright-Koteka, Elizabeth and Wolff, Johannes (2018) Cook Islands Core Sector Support (CSS) evaluation.

Baumhofer, N Kau�i, Panapasa, Sela V, Francis Cook, E, Roberto, Christina A and Williams, David R (2020) Sociodemographic factors influencing island foods consumption in the Pacific Islander Health Study. Ethnicity & health, 25 (2). pp. 305-321.

Beaglehole, Ernest (1957) Social Change in the South Pacific, Rarotonga and Aitutaki.

Beaglehole, Robert (1986) Epidemiology of varicose veins. World Journal of Surgery, 10 (6). pp. 898-902.

Berno, Tracy (1999) When a guest is a guest: Cook Islanders view tourism. Annals of tourism research, 26 (3). pp. 656-675.

Bertram, Ivo Geoffrey and Watters, Raymond Frederick (1984) New Zealand and its small island neighbours: A review of New Zealand policy toward the Cook Islands, Niue, Tokelau, Kiribati and Tuvalu.

Blakely, Tony, Richardson, Ken, Young, Jim, Callister, Paul and Didham, Robert (2009) Does mortality vary between Pacific groups in New Zealand? Estimating Samoan, Cook Island M_ori, Tongan, and Niuean mortality rates using hierarchical Bayesian modelling. Clinical Correspondence.

Blakely, Tony, Richardson, Ken, Young, Jim, Graham, Patrick, Tobias, Martin, Callister, Paul, Didham, Robert and Atkinson, June (2009) Does mortality vary between pacific groups. "Estimating Samoan, Cook Island M_ori, Tongan and Niuean mortality rates using hierarchical Bayesian modelling.(Report for Statistics New Zealand). Official Statistics Research Series (www. statisphere. govt. nz/osresearch). Wellington: Statistics New Zea.

Blakely, Tony, Richardson, Ken, Young, Jim, Graham, Patrick, Tobias, Martin, Callister, Paul, Didham, Robert, Zealand, Statistics New and Atkinson, June (2009) Does mortality vary between pacific groups? Estimating samoan, cook Island M�ori, Tongan, and Niuean mortality rates using hierarchical Bayesian modelling. Official Statistics Research Series, 5.

Blattner, Katharina, Maoate, Kiki, Lloyd, Trevor, Iro, Elizabeth, Davidson, Scott and Jacob, Mareta (2017) Initial perspectives of New Zealand doctors: developing capacity and a training programme in the Cook Islands. Journal of Primary Health Care, 9 (1). pp. 16-21.

Brucoli, Andrea M (1993) Cook v. Rhode Island, Department of Mental Health, Retardation, and Hospitals: Morbid obesity as a protected disability or an unprotected voluntary condition. Ga. L. Rev., 28. p. 771.

Cardoso, Cristiane W, Paploski, Igor AD, Kikuti, Mariana, Rodrigues, Moreno S, Silva, Monaise MO, Campos, Gubio S, Sardi, Silvia I, Kitron, Uriel, Reis, Mitermayer G and Ribeiro, Guilherme S (2015) Outbreak of exanthematous illness associated with Zika, chikungunya, and dengue viruses, Salvador, Brazil. Emerging infectious diseases, 21 (12). p. 2274.

Carruthers, Pasha (2009) Cook Islands coastal vulnerability assessments: A small Pacific Island nation�s experience. "Pacific Island Climate Change Assistance Program, Environment Service".

Chand, Alvin A and Lal, Alvin Lagoon and Stream Water Quality Investigation in Rarotonga & Aitutaki, Cook Islands Subjected to Rapid Developments: A Focus on Anthropogenic Factors Impacting Aquatic Health, Human Health, and Economy. "Cook Islands Subjected to Rapid Developments: A Focus on Anthropogenic Factors Impacting Aquatic Health, Human Health, and Economy".

Clark, Angela L, Stantis, Christina, Buckley, Hallie R and Tayles, Nancy (2020) Oral health of the prehistoric Rima Rau cave burials, Atiu, Cook Islands. Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand, 50 (1). pp. 158-177.

Clark, Angela L, Tayles, Nancy, Buckley, Hallie R and Neuman, Fieke (2016) The Rima Rau Burial Cave, Atiu, Cook Islands. The Journal of Island and Coastal Archaeology, 11 (1). pp. 68-88.

Connell, John (2005) A nation in decline? Migration and emigration from the Cook Islands. Asian and Pacific migration journal, 14 (3). pp. 327-350.

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Cooke, Natalie, Hayes, Ian and Moncada, Stefano (2021) Resilience building to COVID-19 in the Pacific: A Cook Islands case study.

Cotterell, Gerard, von Randow, Martin and McTaggart, Stephen (2009) Using census data to examine changes in wellbeing for Samoan, Cook Island, Tongan and Niuean households. Social Policy Journal of New Zealand, 35. pp. 93-111.

Crocombe, Marjorie and Crocombe, Ron (1993) Cook Islands in Review: Issues and Events, 1 July 1991 to 30 June 1992.

Crocombe, Ron (1978) Nepotism in the Cook Islands. The Australian and New Zealand Journal of Sociology, 14 (2). pp. 166-172.

Cullen, Rowena and Hassall, Graham (2016) e-Government in the Pacific Island states: ICT policy and implementation in small island developing states: Cook Islands Country Report.

Curson, Peter Hayden (1972) Cook islanders in town: a study of Cook Island urbanisation.

Cutting-Jones, Hannah (2017) Feasts of Change: Food and History in the Cook Islands, 1825-1975.

Cyronak, Tyler, Santos, Isaac R, Erler, Dirk V and Eyre, Bradley D (2013) Groundwater and porewater as major sources of alkalinity to a fringing coral reef lagoon (Muri Lagoon, Cook Islands). Biogeosciences, 10 (4). pp. 2467-2480.

Diggles, Ben (2007) 3.2 The Cook Islands experience: pearl oyster health investigations. Pearl Oyster Health Management: A Manual (503). p. 71.

Dixon, Jane and Jamieson, Christina (2005) The cross-Paci�c chicken: tourism, migration and chicken consumption in the Cook Islands. Cross-Continental Agro-Food Chains. pp. 97-109.

Duituturaga, Emele S (2011) 5 Political Economy and Championing Reforms in the Cook Islands and Samoa. The Political Economy of Economic Reform in the Pacific. p. 95.

Duvat, Virginie KE, Magnan, Alexandre K, Wise, Russell M, Hay, John E, Fazey, Ioan, Hinkel, Jochen, Stojanovic, Tim, Yamano, Hiroya and Ballu, Val�rie (2017) Trajectories of exposure and vulnerability of small islands to climate change. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change, 8 (6).

Easterbrook-Smith, Sonja and Wichman, Vaine (2011) Report of the evaluation of the Cook Island medical/health specialist visits scheme.

FRY, PEGGY CROOKE (1957) Dietary survey on Rarotonga, Cook Islands: I. General description, methods and food habits. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 5 (1). pp. 42-50.

Faine, S and Hercus, CE (1951) The nutritional status of Cook Islanders. British Journal of Nutrition, 5 (3). pp. 327-343.

Faireka, Tereta (2019) A retrospective analysis of factors influencing school-leaving decision-making amongst Cook Island youth in Auckland.

Fan, Yuzhu (2016) The New Water Supply System of Rarotonga Cook Islands. 2016 International Conference on Engineering Science and Management. pp. 304-309.

Fitzgerald, Thomas K (1980) Dietary change among Cook Islanders in New Zealand. Social Science Information, 19 (05-Apr). pp. 805-832.

Fry, Edward Irad (1958) Growth and Health in Cook Island Children.

Futter, Debi (2009) Cook Islands. Case Studies in Global School Health Promotion. pp. 387-393.

Futter-Puati, Debbie (2010) Maki maro. Tuberculosis in the Cook Islands. A social history 1896-1975.

Futter-Puati, Debbie, Bryder, Linda, Park, Julie, Littleton, Judith and Herda, Phyllis (2014) Partnerships for health: decimating tuberculosis in the Cook Islands, 1920�1975. Health & Place, 25.

Gero, A, Fletcher, SM, Thiessen, J, Willetts, JR, Rumsey, M, Daly, J, Buchan, J and Kuruppu, N (2013) Understanding the Pacific's adaptive capacity to emergencies in the context of climate change: Country Report-Cook Islands.

Gill, William Wyatt (1979) Cook Islands Custom.

Gray, Michelle Jane A descriptive study of ciguatera fish poisoning in Cook Island dogs and cats.

Greene, Michelle (2021) Physical Education (PE) as a pathway to empowerment of young people in Rarotonga, Cook Islands: a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Development Studies at Massey University, Manawat_, New Zealand.

Hajkowicz, Stefan (2006) Cost scenarios for coastal water pollution in a small island nation: a case study from the Cook Islands. Coastal Management, 34 (4). pp. 369-386.

Henrickson, Mark, Cook, Catherine M and Schouten, Vanessa (2022) Culture clash: responses to sexual diversity in residential aged care. "Culture, Health & Sexuality", 24 (4). pp. 548-563.

Heriot, WJ, Crock, GW, Taylor, R and Zimmet, P (1983) Ophthalmic findings among one thousand inhabitants of Rarotonga, Cook Islands. Australian Journal of Opthalmology, 11 (2). pp. 81-94.

Herrman, Ina (2005) The current situation: The case of the Cook Islands. Directions: Journal of Educational Studies, 27 (1). pp. 123-133.

Hoffmann, Tegan Churcher (2002) Coral reef health and effects of socio-economic factors in Fiji and Cook Islands. Marine pollution bulletin, 44 (11). pp. 1281-1293.

Holdsworth, DK (1991) Traditional medicinal plants of Rarotonga, Cook islands. Part II. International journal of pharmacognosy, 29 (1). pp. 71-79.

Holdsworth, David K (1990) Traditional medicinal plants of Rarotonga, Cook Islands part I. International Journal of Crude Drug Research, 28 (3). pp. 209-218.

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Johnston, KM (1962) Social and Economic Change in the Cook Islands. Pacific Viewpoint, 3 (2). pp. 100-102.

Jonassen, Jon (2003) Cook Islands. The Contemporary Pacific, 15 (1). pp. 174-179.

Jonassen, Jon Tikivanotau M (2009) Cook Islands. The Contemporary Pacific, 21 (1). pp. 145-151.

KATAYAMA, Kazumichi, TAGAYA, Akira, YAMADA, Hiroyuki and KAWAMOTO, Keiichi (1988) Cook Islands populations today, in relation to European mixtures and inter-island crossbreedings. Journal of the Anthropological Society of Nippon, 96 (1). pp. 47-59.

Kahn, James V (1992) Evaluation of the Rock Island and Cook Counties Pilot Projects for Persons on Probation who are Mentally Retarded And/or Mentally Ill.

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Kokaua, Jesse (2015) An Application of Hierarchical Bayes Models to estimated prevalence of mental disorder and mental health service use among Cook Islanders in New Zealand.

Kokaua, Jesse and Wells, J Elisabeth (2009) Twelve-month prevalences of mental disorders and treatment contact among Cook Islanders resident in New Zealand. Pacific health dialog, 15 (1). pp. 79-88.

Kolff, John (1965) THE ECONOMIC IMPLICATIONS OF SELF GOVERNMENT FOR THE COOK ISLANDS. The Journal of the Polynesian Society, 74 (1). pp. 119-124.

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Lange, Raebum (2013) EXILE AND COMPASSION: THE MANAGEMENT OF LEPROSY IN THE COOK ISLANDS, 1925-95. Pacific studies, 36. p. 35.

Lange, Raeburn (1988) European medicine in the Cook Islands. "Disease, Medicine, and Empire". pp. 61-79.

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Loomis, Terry (1990) Cook Island remittances: volumes, determinants and uses. Pacific Research Monograph (24). pp. 61-81.

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MacQueen, J Marilyn, Ottesen, Eric A, Weller, Peter F, Ottesen, Carole, Amos, D Bernard and Ward, Frances E (1979) HLA histocompatibility antigens in a Polynesian population�Cook Islanders of Mauke. Tissue Antigens, 13 (2). pp. 121-128.

Malone, Robert W, Homan, Jane, Callahan, Michael V, Glasspool-Malone, Jill, Damodaran, Lambodhar, Schneider, Adriano De Bernardi, Zimler, Rebecca, Talton, James, Cobb, Ronald R and Ruzic, Ivan (2016) Zika virus: medical countermeasure development challenges. PLoS neglected tropical diseases, 10 (3).

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Markham, Neil P and Stenhouse, Andrew C (1959) A bacteriological investigation of wound infections in Rarotonga, Cook Islands. Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 53 (5). pp. 404-409.

Marsters, Evelyn (2014) Cook Islander's Transnational Responses to Health Service Access. New Zealand Population Review, 40. p. 127.

Marsters, Evelyn (2013) A Transnational Syndemic: Cook Islanders and their experiences of TB and diabetes.

Matenga-Smith, Taiora (1990) Cook Islands Cook Book.

McDermott, Carolyn May (1995) Should employers be allowed to weigh obesity in their employment decisions? Cook v. Rhode Island, Department of Mental Health, Retardation and Hospitals. UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS LAW REVIEW, 44. pp. 199-216.

Moore, Edith Helen (2000) Health Challenges of Urban Cook Island Women.

Moore, Edith Helen, Owens, R Glynn and Finau, Sitaleki A (2003) Health challenges of some urban Cook Island women in New Zealand. Pacific health dialog, 10 (2). pp. 16-26.

Mourie, Robyn (2012) Hand rails into the ocean: contrasting human rights disability policy and real-lived experiences in the Cook Islands: a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirement for the degree of Master of Philosophy in Development Studies at Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand.

Moyle, Susan (2012) Barriers to the early identification and management of CVD risk in the Cook Islands.

Newport, Christina (2019) Cook Islands in Review: Issues and Events, 1 July 2017 to 30 June 2018.

Newport, Christina (2021) Polynesia in Review-Polynesia: COOK ISLANDS. Contemporary Pacific, 33 (1). pp. 182-297.

Newport, Rochelle (2013) Building healthy public policy in small island developing nations: the case of taxing soft drinks in the Cook Islands.

NiaNia, Wiremu, Bush, Allister and Epston, David (2013) �I Will Not Leave My Baby Behind�: A Cook Island M_ori Family's Experience of New Zealand M_ori Traditional Healing. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Family Therapy, 34 (1).

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